2016-Present: Ph.D. Dept. of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University
Advisor: Ben Langmead
Research Interests: Computational Genomics, Next Generation Sequencing, Text Indexing, Succinct Data Structures, Big Data, Sketching.
2012-2016: B.S. Tufts University
Majors: Computer Science and Biology
2016-Present: Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD
Research Assistant
Develop efficient and scalable tools for analysis of next generation sequencing reads (see “Projects”).
Published 3 papers (2 as first author) and presented at 3 conferences (see “Publications”).
2 semesters as teaching assistant for “Computational Genomics: Sequences”.
Summer 2020: Illumina, Inc. San Deigo, CA
Bioinformatics Intern
Developed tool to detect false positives in population-scale database of thousands of structural variants.
Leveraged information from short-read (Illumina) and long-read (PacBio HiFi/CCS) technologies.
Added initial support for extending to short tandem repeats (STRs).
Presented research findings internally to multiple departments.
Summer 2016: Berg Health. Framingham, MA
Analytics Intern
Developed web portal to streamline analysis of multi ’omics data (PHP, R).
Created NLP machine learning tool to extract information from clinical health records (Python).
2012-2016: Tufts Academic Resource Center. Medford, MA
On-Call Tutor
Duties: 3 one-on-one tutoring sessions every week with beginner comp. sci. students.
Topics covered: programming basics, data structures, discrete mathematics, algorithms, C/C++.
rowbowt (C++) : Query large, repetitive genomic collections quickly with space sublin- ear to input size.
Collaboration with researchers across multiple universities.
levioSAM (C++) : Lift over alignments from variant-aware alternate references.
Personal Genome Constructor : Use low-coverage imputation to improve NGS read alignment accuracy and alleviate reference bias in downstream analyses (e.g. variant calling, allele-specfic expression).
Draws upon alignment data from SRA and variant data from the 1000 Genomes Project.
pfbwt-f (fork) (C++) : Efficiently build a Burrows-Wheeler Transform from a se- quence containing high amounts of repitition.
varcount (C++) : Calculate NGS alignment coverage over a predefined set of variants.
Illumina Cares
- Led team of fellow interns from wide range of disciplines to provide non-profit with playbook for teaching STEM and professional development skills to students in Zimbabwe
Programming Languages: Bash, C++, C, LaTeX, Python, R, Rust
Tools/Frameworks: Unix, docker, HPC (SLURM), tidyverse, numpy/scipy, SnakeMake